Corny title I know but Valentine's day is not that far off and I thought I would get a head start on some cards. We don't do any celebrations here for the day except for the exchange of cards and a little chocolate, I love getting cards for this day especially because the boys are older, I miss helping write out all their little Valentine's cards and putting treat bags together or baking something for the class party. Do you do anything special to celebrate this day? Any decorating or gatherings? Do you share cards with friends as well as loved ones?
I used some old and new products, I am trying to use up product I have had for far too long and some of the items used I can not even tell you where they came from as they were lovely Christmas gifts from my boys. I used alot of black and grey, I am really loving those colors right now for all kinds of projects!
Springtime Fox in Flowers
2 weeks ago
awesome cards chickie ~ lovin that one with the tags ~ so simple ~ so unique and so elegant!