I hope everyone had a great Christmas and the new year is coming in happy for you all! I have many plans, hopes and goals for the new year one of which is adjusting to a new position I started at the end of December. I don't make New Year's resolutions, I set goals for myself, which can be considered pretty much the same but these are ongoing goals leftover from the previous year, things I have been working towards for a period of time and new goals I have set for myself. Rather than stress about reaching goals, I just want to set a pace that fits my life and work towards what I want. I want to blog more, craft more and relax more. I also want to declutter my charming little home a bit (emphasis on "little") and have joined the UIU pledge. I have plenty of supplies I have been "treasuring" and can't wait to use up what I have instead of buying and stockpiling. To find out more about the UIU pledge check out Fran's blog http://ladyoflosttimescrafts.blogspot.com/2011/12/i-uiu.html or click the pledge button on my blog to read more details and snag a button for yourself.
I want to take and post more pictures,share more, learn new things, visit more places and spend more time with my family in the new year. All very reasonable and easy to attain goals I think. What do you want for you this year???
Springtime Fox in Flowers
2 weeks ago