Challenge time! The details for this challenge were given on my last stream and posted to Coffee and Art Flickr group, just a fun challenge to use up the junk you have lying around you would not usually use for arting, crafting, journaling, etc.
Shop in your junk drawers, linen closets, recycling bin, junk mail pile, used envelopes...the list is endless and so are the possibilities. Not alot of rules, nothing that was bought from craft, art, or scrapbook store can be used, nothing bought in those sections of other types of stores and nothing you have to go out and get new. Scraps from crafty supplies are also not allowed. You can bind your journal any way you like, glue, binder rings, sewn, etc. Use stuff like junk mail inserts and tags off clothing and other products for interesting pull outs and tags, use little bits and bobs for embellishments. Use old jeans and shirts for some fabric texture, packing foam, sandpaper. Try to include a min 3 different textured materials, for example, fabric, paper, cardboard. Try to also include a few different sizes of pages, inserts, pull outs etc.
You can use your paint, inks etc to decorate your journal later, I mean after all it's your journal and it's meant to be used once it's constructed. Take a before and after picture of the journal, before or while putting it together then afte it's fully constructed.
The challenge ends October 4rth, 2011 and photos can be posted on Coffee and Art Flickr group by or before that date or you can post the photo on your blog and tweet it and the link also, you can stream your creation as well and just tweet a link when it's all done. If you are unable to post to any of these, please let me know and you can email me the photos and I can post them for you. When the challenge is over, I will use to choose a RAK winner from all those who participated.
I hope you all enjoy this challenge, I know I am having a blast putting together all the found junk I got lol It's amazing what you can do with ordinary things you would normally not give a second thought to once you have it in your mind to use it. Have fun and I can not wait to see what you all come up with!!
Below is a photo of the junk pile I got so far
Springtime Fox in Flowers
2 weeks ago